A platoon of Germans had made a run across a coiled barbed wire barrier to ambush their American enemies, but the raid was called off when heavy gunfire stopped them in their tracks. Several Germans died on the spot, and the rest retreated to their side of the barrier. One German soldier, however, took a hit in the shoulder, became tangled in the barbed wire, and lay there, helpless and screaming, in the no man’s land between the German and American lines.
His painful wails persisted until one brave, young American soldier stood and ran to the German’s rescue. As the GI removed his enemy from the entanglement, all gunfire stopped in grateful astonishment. The heroic American freed the wounded warrior and carried him to his friends at the German line. Without fear, he then turned and walked gallantly back to his foxhole.
Eventually the battle resumed. But on that one Christmas Day, for a brief, shining moment, two groups of soldiers saw what it meant to be willing to die for one’s enemy.
Every December, we focus once again on the birth of our Lord, and rightfully so. His coming to earth is the greatest gift God the Father ever gave us. And as demonstrated on that day just about 100 years ago now, Jesus is the Prince of Peace who inspires peace even in the midst of a raging war.
But at the same time, we must never forget that Jesus didn’t come just to be a cuddly baby in a manger. Nor did He come only to show us how to live in a God-honoring way. He came for this:
“For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. [That was us.] For one will hardly die for a righteous man, though perhaps for a good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:6-8).
I warmly and humbly invite you to consider your relationship with Him and, if you need to, put your faith in Him today. If you want to know more about this, please contact us here.
It would be our privilege to help you, or any member of your family, to take that most-important step.
From all of us at Kanakuk to you and your loved ones, a very merry and blessed Christmas!
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