“How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered! How blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit” (Psalm 32:1-2).
Psalm 32
“E ven though it’s been over 30 years ago, I’ll never forget the week when I saw God in the most tender and pleasant light, I believe I’ve ever seen him in in my life. My second daughter, Courtney, must have been in second or third grade and came home in tears over a math test that she was having difficulty with in school. Apparently, the teacher had insisted that each student had to complete 30 math problems in a minute or two, in order to go on to the next level in math. The hands of the timer moved too swiftly for her young mind to capture the answers. I recalled all the times I had struggled in school with testing and came to Courtney’s side with as much daddy love as I could give her. She let me sit next to her on her bed and go over the problems again, and again, and again, so she could roll them off her tongue in a breath.
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