“You forgave the iniquity of Your people; You covered all their sin” (Psalm 85:2).
Psalm 85
“You forgave the iniquity of Your people; You covered all their sin” (Psalm 85:2).
Psalm 85
“Hear, O My people, and I will admonish you; O Israel, if you would listen to Me” (Psalm 81:8).
Psalm 81
T wo ears, one mouth. The ratio says everything!
“Oh, give ear, Shepherd of Israel, You who lead Joseph like a flock; You who are enthroned above the cherubim, shine forth”
(Psalm 80:1).
Psalm 80
Face to Face with Jesus
T here’s a little child inside of you; with dreams naïve, his hope is new.
His belief unmarred, his heart unstained; says “Abba Daddy,” his love proclaimed.
He reaches upward, his eyes are sure; his dad’s embrace, his faith is pure.
His father’s love now face to face; enthralling trust, his dad’s embrace.
His emotions trusting, they know no pain; sweet affirmation his highest aim.
The sun sets nightly, the moon’s arising; the days, now years, bring trials realizing.
Through disappointments and people’s sin; his conscience marred and hurt within.
Staunch confrontation, the world’s embrace; the child part of a fallen race.
Yet looking back he soon realizes; his deepest hope, his faith arises.
He finds in Jesus and the crucifixion; the grace of God and His benediction.
His heart transformed, the Spirit’s power; his longing grows with every hour.
Oh childlike faith, his invitation; now Abba Jesus, fresh realization.
Tho’ sin exists, God’s grace abounding; consuming love, His heart confounding.
God’s intimate love, so deeply yearning; his childlike faith, hence now returning.
Now face to face, his spirit willing; the Spirit’s power, his heart fulfilling.
Hence, face to face with Jesus, His night in the upper room; going back in time, His love sublime, our debt He would assume.
Face to face with Jesus, as He washes your soiled feet; down on His knees, the Father pleased, your cleansing to complete.
Face to face with Jesus, the garden of Gethsemane; The Father’s Son, “thy will be done,” they nailed Him to the tree.
Oh face to face with Jesus, the trials throughout the night; God’s plan in place, your love slaps to His face, in worship we recite.
Face to face with Jesus, the scourging of the whip; oh glory be, our purity, our forgiveness to equip.
Face to face with Jesus, in pain He carries the Cross; longsuffering quakes, each step He takes, our gain becomes His loss.
Oh face to face with Jesus, the crowning of His head; for you and me, humility, His blood in flowing red.
Face to face with Jesus, the nails of crucifixion; His wrists and feet, our ransom complete, display of sins conviction.
Now face to face with Jesus, it’s ours in His resurrection; in moments of gold, His face behold, He is our daily reflection.
Oh look into His eyes, and see the Father’s love; we’re not condemned, He is our friend, God’s gift from up above.
Oh look into His Word, in deepest meditation; you’ll see His face, a fond embrace, His highest invitation.
He looks into your heart today, the window to your soul; no longer blamed, we’re not ashamed, His embrace our greatest goal.
Why do you desire that God “makes His face shine upon you?”
John 13:15 – “For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you.”
From today’s scripture, how does THE Shepherd inspire you to shepherd your flock?
“Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend” (Exodus 33:11).
Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication
“O God, why have You rejected us forever? Why does Your anger smoke against the sheep of Your pasture? Remember Your congregation, which You have purchased of old, which You have redeemed to be the tribe of Your inheritance; and this Mount Zion, where You have dwelt” (Psalm 74:1-2).
Psalm 74
A fter I graduated from SMU football, I moved to College Station, Texas and coached the defensive line on the Texas Aggie football team. On the field, it was one of the most rewarding times of my life. Off the field, it was the greatest horror show I had ever experienced in my 22 years on Earth.
“But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works” (Psalm 73:28).
Psalm 73
“For You are my hope; O Lord God, You are my confidence from my youth” (Psalm 71:5).
T he veteran sheep herder, W. Phillip Keller, speaks tenderly from the heart of a shepherd as he describes a lamb who has been “cast down” in a helpless position on his back with his four legs extended skyward and unable to right himself. The animal will soon die due to lack of circulation and the pressure of built up gas. The patient care that the shepherd gives to the helpless lamb, as the lamb is carefully righted onto its feet and its legs are gently caressed for circulation to be restored, is a pleasant reminder of how God, our Shepherd, reaches out to His sheep when we are brokenhearted and crushed in spirit.
“When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You” (56:3).
I t is tempting to read the account of the biblical history of the Hebrew nation from the days of the exodus from Egypt through the times of the judges, the kings, and glibly point your finger at their fickle nature toward their Creator and Deliverer. Until, you look in the mirror and see gross similarities in how we often question God’s trustworthiness when tragedy strikes or when He doesn’t deliver our desires on a silver platter. We would be in an eternally helpless predicament if God kept track of the times we questioned His trustworthiness and countless efforts to heal, rescue, save, and protect His flock.
“Hide Your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities.” (Psalm 51:9)
I will never forget the night at Texas Tech where students who loved Jesus brought a couple of thousand Red Raiders into their basketball arena for our event with The Cross drama. As the students poured out of the bleachers onto the floor at the conclusion of the drama, it got crazy.
The Heart of A Mom is a free online resource destination created to encourage and inspire Moms of all ages as they pursue the most important role in their life—being a Mom. Created by Dr. Joe White, President of Kanakuk Ministries, Heart of A Mom hosts dozens of Gathering events across the United States each year, welcoming women from all walks of life to an event created especially to thank Moms for all they do.